A letter from CEO
Almost a year has passed since we started to operate as CRO in the San Diego area. While doing so, we have helped a dozen of local companies as well as ones located elsewhere, from Washington DC to LA.
Our customers have found us through word of mouth and we have found them through our connections. We then started to collaborate at different levels for their experimental needs and I have personally found the whole experience very pleasant, effective, and productive.
I must emphasize that there are multiple layers to the process when starting to move forward as lab partners with another company, and it may not be easy at the beginning. The first step starts with the establishment of trust. At Morpheus Biolabs, one of the main principles we care about is the service we are providing for you. This means that when it comes to the technical aspects of the testing platforms we have created, we can assure you that they have been fine-tuned to be as consistent as possible. It must work, again and again. Therefore, we need to know just enough, but not much, about your technology or IP, or developmental drug, in order to be able to carry out the experiments you need and to recommend solutions for you to achieve desired results. We understand that you are trusting us with valuable information and we want you to know that we will handle everything with the highest level of privacy and discretion. But, I also assure you there is always something we can do for you even with limited information…
A process in which we understand your experimental needs and you mutually see our capabilities follows our principle of trust, and would lead to there being a good fit between your company and us.
The next big step becomes the coordination of common efforts followed by designing and planning of the experimental setup. We are determined to do our best in order to accomplish our tasks with a high level of care and in a timely manner. We usually prefer to go over each phase step-by-step, starting from the optimization and validation of your experimental platforms. We prefer to coordinate with you every step of the way until we are ready to run the experiment, at which point we will incorporate your ideas and products. If you want to speed up the process we can always run parallel experiments.
There are so many different ways in which we can help you and we invite you to consider us as your next partner in your greatest endeavors.
If you deem our company a good fit for you, we will always find a way to move forward, because in the end, all we offer is science nothing but science!
Thank you
Best Regards,
Alex Okyay Kilinc Ph.D., CEO